Live Quadcopter Builds

All things quadcopter, tricopter, hexcopter etc
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Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:52 pm

Live Quadcopter Builds

Post by Eric »

For any who may have missed it- I've been live streaming the newest drone builds in the lab for several months now. The Red October quadcopter is coming along great and should be ready to fly this week. Here is the latest stream:

All the LiveFromTheLab series is organised in a playlist so if you need some background noise in the shop while you are working or want to catch up- you can find all the live shows here: ... iCG4sObR8F

Hopefully I can get the camera setup to be a bit better in the future too- the C920 just isnt working out. Cheers

I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
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