I wired up the keyboard matrix which was a bit of trial and error for the end keys. The original design had no real schematic so I went by the code and figured it out.
Then I install the 3D printed keys and wow. I'm over the moon happy with the results.
Time to get it running some real Apollo code on the raspberry pi.
Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
So the Raspberry Pi side of this is kicking my A$$. I have the Pi running virtualAGC just fine now and works awesome through the GUI but alas- I cannot get the Arduinos talking to it as the Python script doesnt work no matter what I try
I posted a convo for Ron and others so fingers crossed those clever guys check out my sob story https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualag ... sions/1170
I totally forgot to post a pic of the backside of the LED board here. This is the best part! Check it out
Right? How cool is that

I totally forgot to post a pic of the backside of the LED board here. This is the best part! Check it out
Right? How cool is that
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
New video is up. Reflow soldered the new PCB assembly and it works GREAT! You already saw some picture here but the video is a bit more fun and shows the process for the board assembly and soldering. I will sell some kits of these if there is interest. I ordered enough LEDs to make many kits I think
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
Did a shorts video too
Also FYI my GIT Repo is fully updated with the instructions, links and info so others can make this. https://github.com/MKme/AGC_DSKY_Replica
This link will become quite important later: https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualag ... sions/1170
This is my discussion with Ron Burkey the creator of Virtual AGC. Without his help I may never have gotten the DSKY to work properly. In one day we powered through several show-stopping issues. Sometimes it just takes a discussion to get you motivated and looking under the right rocks. I am in his debt
Also FYI my GIT Repo is fully updated with the instructions, links and info so others can make this. https://github.com/MKme/AGC_DSKY_Replica
This link will become quite important later: https://github.com/virtualagc/virtualag ... sions/1170
This is my discussion with Ron Burkey the creator of Virtual AGC. Without his help I may never have gotten the DSKY to work properly. In one day we powered through several show-stopping issues. Sometimes it just takes a discussion to get you motivated and looking under the right rocks. I am in his debt
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
New video is up! Finally have all the Arduinos and Pi happily talking

I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
LED panel PCB Kits are finally in my store! This was one of the hard parts of the DSKY build as there was no easy way to mount all the LEDs and make them look good. I have solved this for anyone who needs now
https://store.mkme.org/?product=apollo- ... -led-panel
This should make it possible now for anyone with a 3D printer and some time to recreate this project. If you can actually get a Raspberry Pi of course.

This should make it possible now for anyone with a 3D printer and some time to recreate this project. If you can actually get a Raspberry Pi of course.
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Re: Apollo AGC DSKY Raspberry Pi Powered Replica
Here is the previous update video I forgot to post here. It is added to the DKSY playlist on my channel
This weekend I'll finish and publish a new video detailing the software trials and tribulations. The GIT repo has been updated with all this info for a long time now but it takes many weeks to get the videos caught up to the readme
This weekend I'll finish and publish a new video detailing the software trials and tribulations. The GIT repo has been updated with all this info for a long time now but it takes many weeks to get the videos caught up to the readme

I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY