Bus Pirate V3 Adventures

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Bus Pirate V3 Adventures

Post by Eric »

Do I got the Bus Pirate V3 for some hardware hacking but it came with only V3 ish firmware on it. It actually took me quite a while to get it upgraded to V5.10 which is where i currently site. The firmware it came with is no good- you need to upgrade. even I2C scanning is poor on the supplied firmware.

The key I found here:

https://code.google.com/archive/p/the-b ... ads?page=1

You need to be running Bootloader V4 for this 5.1 but the upgrade was easy.
Type $ in the Bus Pirate terminal.

With both methods the MODE LED should light.

2) Load the new firmware:

C:\BP>pirate-loader --dev=COM3 --hex=BPv3-Firmware-v5.10.hex

3) re-plug the USB cable to reset the Bus Pirate. The upgrade is complete.

I just altered the above command and put the hex file in the same folder. Remember to disconnect the Putty connection used to but the BP in upgrade mode.

Ill post more if/when I manage to get it up to the newest firmware but for now- 5.10 works well

I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Posts: 316
Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:52 pm

Re: Bus Pirate V3 Adventures

Post by Eric »

From what I can tell- this thread is the best for getting to the newest firmware http://dangerousprototypes.com/forum/in ... c=8498.135

Looks like I need to upgrade bootloader to have the boot switch to upgrade/DFU to work but the firmware can work without
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
Posts: 316
Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:52 pm

Re: Bus Pirate V3 Adventures

Post by Eric »

Confirmed I was able to update using that link instructions. It wasnt overly clear but what I can gather is that safe.hex handles the I2C "safely" without possibility of bricking where unsafe.hex relies on the chip being the newer version. Mine was so new it wasnt even on any of the instructions from years ago. From what I could tell it is a much newer rev so it SHOUDL work. I tried both hex files starting with safe and so far- it seems fine and I'm now up to firmware 7.1

I put the files I used in my repo so others may be able to use them if the sources disappear https://github.com/MKme/EPROM/tree/main/Bus%20Pirate

My new firmware:
Successfully Updated Firmware to 7.1 using safe.hex.PNG
Successfully Updated Firmware to 7.1 using safe.hex.PNG (49.8 KiB) Viewed 8321 times
I make videos and content on all things electronics, 3D printing and DIY
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